A. Home Use
For overall daily consumption, checks of families of various sizes in different parts of the country indicate 100 gallons per day per person is a very good average.
Total Gallons/Day vs. (Flow Rate/Minute)
Shower 25-60 (5)
Bathtub 35 (5)
Lavatory 1-2 (4)
Toilet - Flush 3-7 (4)
Kitchen Sink 5
Laundry Tub 7
Washer - Automatic 30-50 (5)
Dishwasher 10-20 (2)
Water Softener up to 150 (7)
Garden Hose 1/2" (3)
Garden Hose 3/4" (6)
Sprinkler - Lawn (3-7)
B. Farm Use
Gallons Per Day
Horse, Mule, Steer (12)
Dry Cow (15)
Milking Cow ( 35)
Hog (4)
Sheep (2)
Chickens/100 (6)
Turkeys/100 (20)
Fire (20-60) GPM
(Based upon a study of over 20 sources by the Water Source and Use Subcommittee of the Water Systems Council. Values given are average. They do not include the extremes.
1. Determine maximum gallons per day (gpd)
2. Divide Total Hardness (ppm) by 17.1 to convert to grains per gallon (gpg)
3. Multiply (gpg) x (gpd) = Grains total hardness per day
4. Select resin capacity based on Salt Dosage used:
15lbs. salt/ft3 = 30,000 grains/ft3
10lbs. salt/ft3 = 25,000 grains/ft3
7.5 lbs. salt/ft3 = 22,000 grains/ft3
5. Grains TH per Day divided by Resin Capacity (grains/ft3) = Min. Cubic ft. Resin for 1 day between Regenerations.
Keep in mind, softening water carries expense in water and salt consumption. Ideally, you want to use as little salt as possible, but not so little your system regenerates too frequently. Do the math and decide how often you want or need the softener to regenerate manually or automatically. Weekly regeneration at night when there's not load works best with single tank systems, dual tank systems alternate so regeneration can occur at most any given time.
Water Filtration
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